Saturday, September 08, 2007


It's blackberry season, and they're delicious this year! It's the berry that seems to receive the least attention (I suppose currents receive less than blackberries, but that's the thing- most people don't even consider them in the local berry pageant). They're around for only a short period of time, so they're easy to miss. Also, they don't seem to be popularly cultivated so you have to be willing to pick your own, or pay an exhorbitant amount to buy them picked.

I purchased these at $2.99 per pint in the City Market this morning. I also picked blackberries last weekend at Rockwood Park for free. The blackberry bushes are right off the main paths of the park and are showing off a lot of sweet fruit. I ate all of mine before I considered taking a picture. They were delicious.

I told Tony I was simply going to gobble these up fresh, but on further consideration, I'm thinking of making them into muffins. He'll have a better chance of getting some.

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